He has an upper bunk bed , so he decided to move all the functions up .
Around midnight , I drift off on a bunk bed inside the cabin .
Our dormitory is fairly small , he says . So I thought , if I could study and use my laptop on my bunk bed , it would save some space .
I used these pieces of wood to build a book shelf on my bunk bed , he says . I also built a removable desk for my laptop .
Guests can either stand just inside the doorway in the only vacant space , or ( as I did ) sit beside Mr Tam on the lower bunk bed .
The couple 's children say the two met as teenagers and had been inseparable since then , once sharing the bottom of a bunk bed on a ferry rather than sleeping one night apart .
A day after Saddam 's execution , a 10-year-old boy in Texas hanged himself from a bunk bed ( 8 ) after watching a news report on the execution .
He lives on one level of a bunk bed sectioned off by metal mesh , occupying a so-called " cage home " in a small , shabby flat subdivided between 10 men .
For some , the only option is to live in one of the city 's notorious cage homes , which consist of a bunk bed surrounded by a metal cage , often located in a sub-divided flat - a tiny apartment split into even smaller spaces .
We were joined by Yang 's father , visiting for the afternoon , and his closest friend from his home village , a classmate named Cao Yingsheng - all squeezed into a space barely big enough for a bunk bed , a desk and a rice cooker .
and hangs himself from the top bunk of his bed .